Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why do I feel uncomfortable with sun in my room?

My father died when I was in the 6th grade and ever since my freshmen year at highschool (i am now a freshmen in college) but anyways ever since then I ALWAYS keep heavy curtains and extra quilts on the window. I absolutly cant stand it when a peep of sunlight comes in to my room. I need to believe that i'm not trying to use my fathers death as an excuse to feel this way but its like i try to take thecurtains down but i just feel uncomfortable and sick, it feels like a goal im trying to achieve when I take the curtains down but I really cant stand sunlight.. i also love it when it rains.. and likeif if and when im cleaning my room.. i only open the window if its dark out or shade.. why have i been stuck like this for so long?

Music video with a guy at prom puking?

there is a music video that i have been trying to find the song that it is. i think it is korn but im not positive. it takes place in like a stomach or something and its with this guy that goes to prom and starts puking everywhere

I've been skating for 2 months,(should i know these things by now)?

I can ollie, bs+fs 180, nollie, fake, kickflip,heelflip,varial heelflip,varial kickflip,shuvit, pop shuvit, boardslide and noseslide

What's wrong with me?

Ok I been skating for a while, but I can never get good at tricks. I skate regular, I lead with my left and push with my right. But when I try to do an ollie or something i have to go into goofy position. Is that normal?

Obsessed and depressed?

It seems like I have been playing to one song after a today to try to get Steven out of my mind but nothing will work. I’m driving my self insane "what if he's cutting?" "What if he's thinking abut breaking up?" "What if what if what if what if what if!!!" I do this all the time....I hate it. IV worried my self sick. I have cryed every bit of eyeliner off today! In eyelinerless! IV watching 2 horror movies, but they had scene, and that didn’t help....and YES I THINK ABOUT HAVEING WITH STEVEN! I REALLY DO!!! IT SCARES ME SHITLESS!! So I gaped the push pin and scd, and scd, and scd till I saw a little blood then I squeezed it and licked the blood. I’m all jumpy, and scarred, and **** my room is my own insane aslime!! It was raining! Guess what??? Only thing I could think about is KISSSING STEVEN IN THE RAIN! He's taking over my mind....this is worse then obsessing...........IV been obsessed be fore, but nothing like this! Please help me!!!!

Didn't this cause black gangs and riots?

Motown music I believe not only dilluted Rhythm and Blues but the song "Dancing in the street" by Martha and the Vandellas cause riots cause blacks interpretated it as "Demonstating in the street" and before the Watts riot most black would just leave stuff alone.In the late 1960's black gangs formed in New york which LED to Hip hop in the first hip hop cause DJ Kool Herc came and saw gang activity!

Is Evolution Responsible for Girls not farting?

That can't happen. Everybody farts, it's not a gene, it's a natural occurrence in your body. Farting is completely normal, if you don't fart, there's something wrong with you.

Has anybody heard this yet?

I couldn't help it.... Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and, with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him (Oh, dude, this is so bad, it's good…..) a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

Recipe for barbaque pork?

I want to make the bbq pork that you can use for sandwiches or by itself but not sure what kind of pork to get or how to cook it either in crock pot or in oven

Which one should I get?

I really like all of them, they are really cute. its hard to decide, but i say check out which one looks better when you put it on!!!!! Good luck =)

Help!! Did i eat enough today,?

Your family is right. You didn't eat enough. It's fine to be vegetarian/eat healthy if that's what you're going for...but you need to remember that protien and healthy fats will keep your body functioning long term. Foods like almonds, avocados and types of beans will give your body plenty of fuel and will not cause you to gain weight. The weight you lost recently is likely water weight. Since you've eaten less your body has expelled the extra water it normally used to digest the other foods that it normally expects. You will find that if you eat healthy foods every every two hours. So, that'd be around 200 cals. at each mini meal, you will keep off attacks of the munchies and cravings. Healthy eating guides can be found online or through various books. For example, the Body for Life series, P90X or Eat Right for Your Blood Type have examples and explain how to eat steadily.

Took an pregnancy test and only drips of pee got on it the 1st time second time it came out positive is it tru

i took an at home pregnancy test and i really didn't have to pee so only drips of pee got on the test so the test did not begin and so i used the same test and it came out positive is it accurate can anyone one help?

Who else hates having heartache?

yeah its hard. i wish there was a "lift" i could do to make the heart stronger, i guess time will only heal things

Help ony my snowboard?

Im 6' 180lbs (muscular) im trying to hit 190 tho. I really liek the rome cheap trick..(really flexibly) i wanna do park ride. is a 153 good seeing that im 6' and may hit 190lbs.

I'm going to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt, what's the best way to take handle my money?

I am in lebanon, everything is cheap here including transportation. but taxi drivers take much from foreigners so to save money try to know what u are paying here and there.

Have you ever believed in Santa Claus when growing up?

My dad made it clear he bought the presents on Christmas, lol. I don't remember me ever belieiving in Santa.

Does anyone know the recipe for the spicy bangkok soup served at Shand Thai restaurant in Oka, QC??

I've never been to the restaurant you speak of but the only spicy/sour Thai soup I can think of is Tom Yum Goong. There are plenty of recipes online that you can use to make it yourself at home. It's a very easy recipe.

Men and women, what bothers you about your husband or wife's personality?

I am a married women, and I am trying to see what bothers husbands about their wives. Likewise, I would like to see what bothers wives about their husbands. I want to see if it is similar to my husband and I. We tend to fit the stereotypes of a typical husband and wife, and we argue accordingly. I

Is It all right? if I say "well, and many more" or " well, and a lot more" or " well, that�s not all there are?

"many more" and "a lot more" are both fine in informal conversations, but "many more" sounds more sophisticated, while "a lot more" sounds more juvenile.

Does anyone know where I can find cute printable wedding coloring sheets?

I want to provide these as something for the children at my wedding to do with a couple of crayons. All responses are appreciated.

Birth Control Options Without Hormones?

Im 28 yrs old, and have only used one type of hormonal birth control, it was the patch, and it made me very sick. Im very wary of the pills, shots, ect., pretty much all of them that involve hormones. My question is, aside from having my tubes tied (which isnt an option at all right now), is there anything I can try for birth control other than condoms. P.S. I am in a straight monogamous marriage ..Thanks ;)

What can give better graphics in a laptop, an Intel GMA 4500M or an ATI Radeon HD 3200?

I am getting a laptop and 2 of the ones I am looking at have these. I wanted to know which will give better graphics. I know they suck, but I dont have that much. Can either of these perform well enough to support TES4:Oblivon or Fallout 3 on any settings? The processor and RAM will support.

California Adventure's Ariels Grotto Question!?

At any of the character meals you will need a reservation or plan to wait a couple of hours or more to be seated. Call Disney Dining and get one set up before you even leave for the trip, you can make the reservation weeks in advance. Ask them if you can request a "Happy Birthday" song for her, this may need to be done when you get there though. I don't have the phone number handy but check on the Disney website it is listed there.

Does ANY other woman out there have to deal with this?

So, I kicked my husband out on his a** a while back because I just couldn't take the lying, the boozing, the snoring, the farting, the stinky feet, the yellow & cracked toenails, the sleeping till noon every day, the loser friends he always had over, his disappearing & going on a three day drinking binge during mardi gras, his stupid pranks, his horrible open-grave breath, him wearing a deer skin loin cloth around the house, his giant collection of Hustler magazines, the sonic boom burping, etc., etc. So we've been trying to work it out and have been 'dating' a few times a week. Now he's hinting around he wants tonight. Should I let him? I can make him take a shower and stuff a breath mint in his mouth first but he acts like a caveman when we 'slam the clam' (his little saying for ), stabbing me for hours on end until he explodes all over my face, wall, chest, hair, sheets and pillows. Then he rolls off, farts and yells "my complements to the chef" then pes out and snores so loud I can't sleep. Am I alone here? Please, for the love of God, let there be someone else that shares my misery and tell me what to do.

Tried to make cheese dip?

i bought a little dipper crock pot and was very excited to try cheese dip last night. i bought melting cheese from walmart from the mexican cheese section and threw it in their and waited hours. it melted but it didnt get creamy-it just sort of got hot and melty. i dont know what i did wrong. do i need to throw some milk in their too? also, what can i do with my random block of half melted now refridgerated cheese? i dont really want to use processed and who im making it for doesnt like cream cheese or mayonnaise. is there anyway to salvage my chunk of cheese preferably for cheese dip?

Have any probes been sent to/landed on Europa or any other satellite with frozen water?

No, but nasa plans to send a probe to europa to drill down into its icy surface, then release another probe to search for life in water volcanos that nasa believes that are in the ocean below europas surface. This will possibly be done by 2020 - 2030, i know to long right... gotta be patient :P

Buddhists listen up :-)?

Lol, beats me! I always feel like a few people understand me, but the majority of them are just thinking "What is he trying to say?"

How much do they pay at the Oakland zoo? California?

Like working in the cafe or in the ticket booths. I'm working on a project for a psych cl about different entry jobs that high schoolers or those fresh out of high school would work. But it's strictly for the Oakland zoo in California. Thanks!

Snowboard sizing help!?

weight is whats going to decide how long your board is and foot size is how wide. at 11.5 you dont need a wide, but a mid wide. if your set on the ns i would go with the wide unless your down to buy some new boots and get a low profile which would drop the shell size to 10.5 then you could fit on a normal board

GUYS: What would you think if your gf you're taking a "break" from contacted you?

Let's say you initiated the break after weeks of flip-flopping because you care about her so much.. You're just simply very stressed/have a lot going on & not sure the relationship will work out long-term (after being together several months or close to year).. there's a possibility you see it starting again. If she called a few days later (at least 5+) sounded upbeat (compared to the negative/depressed person she was near the end of the relationship which you found unattractive & it started to pull you away).. She sounds like the fun, positive person you first met. And she'd ask about what you're up to.. Would that spark your interest if you had feelings for her at all & wonder how she's doing (whether or not you pick up when she leaves a voicemail)? When she makes you laugh & have a normal convo (NOT about the relationship you had), would you start to miss her a bit? Would like to hear guy's thoughts on this.. We're talking if the girl is NOT being desperate/pleading about the relationship.. just contacting you to get back in your life (and eventually probably try to revisit the relationship). Basically, I'm contemplating if / when to call my ex who needed a "break." I will not give it much time though. I've been reading some relationship advice articles & generally everyone seems to say that if you call/text it should be casual to work your way back into their life.. make it sound platonic, make them laugh, remember you as the person they fell in love with. Unless the break up was because of something bad like cheating, does this tactic work on you, guys? If you love her at all, is it fairly easy for her to creep back into your heart & second guess yourself..."what if?" Be honest! You're anonymous & i know guys have feelings, too!! And when she calls obviously has to do it soon enough in a window of time before the guy tries to move on or umes she's moved on, dating others etc. Thx for input, guys! Appreciate it!!

Do traveling Steelers fans have a life?

99% of Pittsburgh Steeler "fans" are just riding the bandwagon. I'm sure there are some legit fans out there, but everybody is on that wagon it seems. The fact that they invade stadiums isn't because they travel well, but instead because they are probably the biggest bandwagon in the league.

Can you use a wood stain on cement and fake stone ,inside?

redoing on old fireplace mantel is .cement.and stones look to be fake,all is in need of attention..I have already painted years ago,can i use a wood type stain on this project?

Games running on hp dv6703tx?

Can I run NFS Carbon and NFS Pro Street??? My system Configurations are : Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5450 (1.66 GHz), Intel 965PM Chipset, 2 MB L2 Advance Transfer Cache / 667 MHz FSB, 2GB Ram PC2-5300 (667 MHz) DDR2, 160 GB Serial ATA, NVIDIA GeForce Go 8400M GS Dedicated Video Graphics with 256 MB Dedicated Memory , Up to 1023 MB TAG as allocated by Vista, Supports Direct X 10.

Try taking this COUNTRY MUSIC SURVEY!!?

All of them, I never really liked country music till I heard Conway Twitty singing "I'd Love to Lay You Down".

Lose weight quickly,,,?

I have notice on alot of these diet questions. You get alot of answers that are nothing short of advertisements. I fell were one of these and got ripped off. they got my credit card # and ran it up. so BEWARE of HOODIA scams. Here is an article about it a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Good lUCK.

I made my husband a promise..but??

Okay,I am a 21 year old,5'0,Curvacious African American woman and my husband is 7 years older than me.We have been knowing eachother since i was 3 and he was 10.(Our families knew eachother).When we first started going out when I was 18,I made him a promise that i'd never wear anything sleazy(short shorts,short short dress etc.)and he loved the idea because he felt that my body was meant for his eyes only and not the whole world.But,i've never worn anything short in my whole life due to my parents,and my self respect.But I see women with somewhat short short dresses on and they look good and i know i'd look good in one to.I really want to wear my little black dress to his job banquet,but it shows too much leg?(Stops above my knee)Help?

Am I immune from being punished for a crime (See additional details or you won't understand the situation)?

So you are related to politicians? I hope you don't believe they won't throw you under the bus if they believe you will cost them an election with your actions.

How many touchdowns and yards to you predict for Marion Barber this season?

Since the cowboys will start having a split back running style look for Barber to have 150 carries with 890yrds and 7 tds...He'll have a decent year since he hasnt really been a one back guy and with felix jones as running mate this is a good amount for him to get.

Why do people who don't believe in a particular religion like to meddle in matters related to that religion?

Non-Muslims should be able to participate in discourse, but with responsibility and with the intention of seeking enlightenment, not as trolls dedicated to trashing the deen of Islam.

I need help writing a non-plagiarized poem. HELP!?

For my english 10 cl, we were igned to write and illustrate poems. It has to be 8 lines long, and the poem must show one simile and 1 personification. I have no clue what to write! lol can someone write a non-plagiarized poem for me please? or atleast help me? Please and thank you! :)

How to heal this rift? Or avoid it/take action?

im sooooo sorry they did that to u!!! and when your dad or mom yells at u, u should stand up for yourself! every kid is curious about all that stuff and they shouldent hold it against u!! and if your younger brothers and sisters are not getting an education your parents could go to jail! my family owns over 70 horses so i totally get the bond with animals! :) and since u dont have any friends i would be happy to be ur first friend!!! :)

If antiques are older than....Business..and math the mother of money..?

..why do barren bachelors with a harem of habitually promiscuous sluts, adopt other men's children. Is it because they disgraced themselves with a closely related female? In ancient egypt when a new breed of animal became human, they often preferred their cousins or even sisters to the more proliferate of all the available females. This was frowned upon by the more carnivorous and promiscuous of the ruling cles. But as to the case in question, of Prince Jonathon adopted son of Saul, who rejected Princess Michael in favour of his sister. Then........

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Transmission problem in a 98 plymouth voyager with the 3.3 L flex fuel engine and 4 spd auto?

first thing i would check is the cv joint's ( on the axles that go from the transmission to the tire's) if one of them broke it would do what your van did ... most of the time when you have a cv joint is going bad you will here a clicking sound when you are turning but some time they will not make any noise be for they break...

What are the metabolites of Alcohol?

In the metabolism of alcohol is the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde. Although the liver converts acetaldehyde into acetic acid, it reaches a saturation point where some of it escapes into the blood stream. Acetaldehyde in the brain may inhibit enzymes designed to convert certain nerve transmitters from aldehydes to acids. The nerve transmitters that aculate may then react with the acetaldehyde to form compounds which are startlingly similar to certain morphine-type compounds.

Who else finds that dropping people from your Christmas card list can be liberating?

Don't get me wrong, I *love* Christmas, but decided this year to stop being a sap by sending cards to a few people who have not reciprocated for years. Has anyone else had a good experience pruning their mailing list?

RF4's, Figure Skates?

I have had them for 3 months. I skate 3 times a week and they are still giving me blisters. I tried insoles, that worked but not for a 4 hour skate :( i id contatct risport and they where no help aha. Any one got any ideas how i can get them to stop rubbing. I would lke to keep them untill at least xmas, possibly longer. they rub on the insides of my feet.

The picture of the antimessiah...?

So lets say somebody drew a picture for art cl right...and it showed a world with the sun behind it. And on the earth was a giant flag pole that went out into space. On this flag was United States of the World. And also on the flag was a picture of a man...What would you think of the artist? Prophet? Antichrist? Let me know!

Pokemon diamond help plz?!?

If you dont want to make it happy just train it to level 30 and it will worked for me hope it works for you:)

Why do you think most people say that I'm super awesome?

...I think you have done the impossible, watched all the on the internet, and don't know what to do with yourself now.

Is this poem any good im only 14 so be easy on the feedback but i really want to know?

You wrote something wonderful. I really think you have talent too. You have one little typo in the second to the last line, I think it is the 'i'

Gift Idea's...?

My husband and I are thinking about gifts for Christmas this year and we are completely drawing a blank on what to get his father. His dad, 62, is a retired electronics engineer. He is a huge fan of the Chicago Bears, likes to jog, and has everything he could ever really want. We don't know what to get him this year. Last year we got him a new Sirius Radio which he loved. We don't have a lot of money, so gifts idea's that are reasonable would be nice. Anyone have any ideas?

Can I use duct tape to tape down a thermostat probe for a snake tank?

Personally, I don't use anything sticky inside my enclosures. Any kind of tapes or glues can get stuck on the snake and pull off scales or cause other damage. I would use a suction cup. You can find some in hardware stores that are designed for holding cords in place, they usually have a slit in the back that allows you to run the cord through the knob on the back of the suction cup. Perfect for securing cables inside enclosures, and even for holding vines and things like that in place.

What is the output of the following algorithm? ume the user enters 3.?

a href=";_ylt=AnDrq9xm95KgEMSBaDFFEocv5XNG;_ylv=3?qid=20110407104910AAKDKdj";…/a

What does it mean you dream About this?

OKay well i had a dream we were in chirch and then my little brother was acting silly and then the priest just took out a belt and started hitting himmm and then we left and we were on a bridge and it broke but we Survived??? idk that was a weird dream then my alarm woke me up with a sad song :( ya despues de muerto by chalino Sanchez

Sophisticated Freshman Style?

I am going to be a freshman this year in high school. I do go to private school so I have to wear a uniform. I really do not like backpacks however I do have many cles and i have to carry books everywhere. I really want to carry purse around but i can't fit books in there. Can anyone find me a chic purse and backpack that I can carry around school. And also I really do not like Hurley, Volcom, Roxy, etc. I shop at places like Urban Outiftters, Forever 21, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Bloomingdales. I'm not the average 14 year old. I am very sophisticated and chic. Can anyone help me? Please leave links. THANK YOU!

Asking the guy I like to Sadie's?

Okay so it takes alot for me to like someone and typically I crush on someone and then figure out I don't really even like them that much, but man this guy I know ... i don't even know how to describe him. I just started at the school this year, so in my english cl there is this guy that I now currently like. He's kind of a know it all but he's really nice and funny. So at first I reallly didn't like him he irritated the crap out of me, but now I can't stop thinking about him we've hung out a couple of times and we always talk during cl and this week he invited me to Cirque du Soleil it was so amazing! We talked about it before and i told him I like him ( I'm kind of shy so I didn't know any other way to make it obvious) and he pretty much said he did too but that he hates the idea of dating because he doesn't want to lose me as a friend ( which I get) but I also don't want to wait around forever ( even though I prolly would) and there is this dance coming up it's a girls ask guys thing and I'm wondering if I should ask him? What should I do besides that?

What is the probability of winning the lotto if a graduating clmate won 5years before?

I expect the same as if a graduating clmate of yours hadn't won ... each drawing is new and your likelihood of winning depends on how many entries there are to draw from. ("Your chances of winning are 1 in x")

What's the best way to get to SF airport from Oakland?

I'm an international student. I'll fly from SF airport at 30 May. I think about fly from Fresno to SF, but the ticket price is too high (around $260 round trip). So, I decide to take an amtrack. How can I get to SF airport from Oakland, Jack London Square? Thanks

Can anyone help me write a love sonnet?

Ok so I have to write a love sonnet for english, we are reading Romeo and Juliet and it has to be somewhat related to that. I've been thinking for an hour and I haven't even written one word! Does anyone have some ideas? I need inspiration!

How do you rate these olympic medalists ?

lennox lewis, rid bowe, wladimir klitschko, ingemar johansson, joe fraizer, george foreman, john tate, muhummad ali, mate parlov, leon spinks, slobodan kacar, evander holyfield, viliy jirov, antonio tarver, floyd patterson, marvin johnson, michael spinks, virgil hill, henry maske, chris byrd, jose torres, carmelo bossi, alan minter, frank tate, christophe tiozzo, roy jones jr., richie woodhall, robin reid, david reid, jermain taylor, nino benvenuti, john mugabi, mark breland, laurent boudouani, ray leonard, patrizio oliva, sandro lopopolo, pernell whitaker, oscar de la hoya, leonard dorin, jackie fields, meldrick taylor, floyd mayweather jr., alfonso zamora, bernardo pinango, kennedy mckinney, jorge eliecer julio, joel casamayor, wanye mccullough, frankie genaro, fidel la barba, lou salica, pascual perez, leo randolph, tim austin, wladimir sidorenko, payao pooltarat, and michael carbajal.

How many of the 50 states still use affirmative action?

whats the wingnut obsession with affirmative action? whites still run and control everything and have all the money. what are you tripping about?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How do i overcome my shyness?

dont lie..just tell them straight up u not in the mood, but u should at least make a effort to get out..their ur family

How do i get over an accident?

it is not a very esay thig to say but ibelieve u forgve the driver because u thougth it was partially ur fault which was not. i actually agree with ur forgiving the driver who hit u because u would havee been killed by the hatred or for the cops inability to catch him

What will be the outcome of "Maha Panchayat" by Rahul Gandhi?

Congress may win few more seats in forth coming UP elections. As per Diggi Raja, this maha panchayat was to do nothing with UP elections at all, so another interesting aspect may be Rahul leaving election politics and become a kisan neta like Chaudhary Mahendra Singh Tikait or a public figure like Anna Hazare.

Who were bigger rivals muhammad ali and joe frazier or wilt chamberlain and bill russell?

Well, Ali - Frazier didn't meet constantly in championships, okay, well, not as much as Chamberlain - Russell did.

For every child that becomes a Christian, America loses a scientist?

There are scientists who are Christian you know. I am Christian and have an IQ of 147. And God's word tells us that the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God. Yeah! if you bite into this world's logic, you might find yourself not believing in God for the ruler of this world is Satan. He is the god of this system of things. What do you think he wants you to learn? That God does not exist, and that is just what people are believing. Sad! How sad.

Thou who art looking for truth...?

Any particular reason you are speaking in an archaic form of language? Anyway epistemology is the place to look for info on certainty.

Can anyone give me an explanation on the movie Harvey(1950)?

I'm a little confused by the movie. Which characters actually have mental disorders and is Harvey real or not? I've gotten a lot of different answers from people. Thanks!

How can I make my AOL toolbar reappear?

My AOL Toolbar (Which includes: the search box, favorites, back, forward, refresh ons, etc.) suddenly dissapeared. How can I fix this? I need to have it back to do many things.

Polk vs. JBL for subwoofers?

JBL is a much better speaker than the Polk Audio. JBL has been around for many years. Most recording studio and movie theaters use JBL speaker, along with allot of professionals. I have used JBL speaker since the 70's. Hope this will help you out.

Help english 1?

We saw her cousin , and my aunt at the same banquet. Our mail carrier brought us the latest edition of the their book. I dont know any of them,or any of their relatives. When traveling in Europe, my mother sent Jennie and me perfume.

Di you think theres anything wring with how. I look?

Are you trying to look cute or funny? Sorry, but you just look stupid and immature. You certainly are not pretty enough to act like that and get away with it being cute.

Will birth control pills overdose and cause an abortion or miscarraige?

I was on birth control and my husband and I decided to try and conceive, but about a week later things happend that we couldn't carry out this plan, so I got back on birth control. Only I took all eight pills at once to catch up and the next day I had some really heavy bleeding. My husband thinks I was pregnant before I got back on the pills, but I took them anyways. If I was pregnant would the heavy bleeding have ended my pregnancy?

Will somebody please tell me if this is racist or offensive to African Americans?

Please ignore all ignorant people right out of your life. It wasnt racist. I understand perfectly what you meant. The world is full of idiots and you have to learn not to let them upset you.

If I wanted to vote for Nadar?

would he get any of the electoral college votes or are they strictly for the dems/repubicans? How does it work? thanks.

I hav unlimited text messaging on my phone, does that mean i get unlimited ims, if not how much do they cost?

usually it would mean that you have unlimited ims as well, unless it uses a different data plan. then in which case you wouldnt get charged for the sms but still get charged for however many bytes it takes to send and receive a text message. the cost of data bytes varies between carriers.

Of mice and men (for those who have read it)?

Im supposed to write a persuasive paper about wether capitol punishment is write or wrong and im supposed to use information from of mice and men. My question is where in the book is there capitol punishment? When George killed Lennie or when the guys at the ranch wanted to kill Lennie because he killed Curley's wife?

Come again another day/comments?

I like the imagery of your piece, there are a few grammatical errors but overall its not a bad start, I think it would help if you were a bit clearer, the focus of your piece is a little uncertain as you seem to talk about a number of different issues. Overall I rather enjoyed the line "the truth that made you a baby once again" I hope that helps and don't stop writing poetry is such a great creative outlet that lets people bare their soul, it doesn't necessarily have to rhyme it just has to come from some place real.

How can we get our daughter Angela back from my wife's sister?

My wife Kim's sister Billie Jo kidnapped our daughter Angela out of here in California to Ohio. Billie Jo lied to social worker about us to abuse Angela. Social worker let Billie Jo to adopt Angela and Judge let Angela to stay with Billie Jo in Ohio. Kim and I cant afford any lawyer to help me to get Angela back. Angela is not real happy to stay in Ohio with Billie Jo who uses drugs and smoking. Kim and I are clean and never use drugs and never smoke. Kim is very sweet and deaf. Billie Jo called her dumb and deaf. Billie Jo taught Angela many bad words. We worry about Angela very much. She skipped many grades in Ohio since 3 years. We still wait her back with me here in California. Please help me how can we get Angela back?

Trying to remember an old '80's vietnam POW movie....?

soldiers are beaten up, female soldiers are d, remember one scene female soldier tied in the center of the village by her hands. topless and sprayed with water.. trying to recall cause I remember the movie being showed in grade 7 and quickly turned off when this scene came on...oops.

What would King Booker do if a fan(one of his loyal subjects) said even John Cena could easily beat him?

I would laught at the idiot who said that because booker is 2142523645649857459859 times better than cena.

Where can I download the Legend of the Jade Falcon book 3, Falcon Guard, at for free?

I've been looking over the internet to find Falcon Guard, third book in the Legend of the Jade Falcon series, and third BattleTech book. I haven't been able to find it anywhere for download or reading. Anyone know where I can go to get it?

I have a question about Greek mythology...?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Best online music store to buy freestyle music from the 80's?

Hi! I'd like you guys to recommend me the best online music store for buying freestyle music from the 80's (The Cover Girls, Judy Torres, George Lamond, Sweet Sensation, etc.) I don't know which company has the biggest catalogue for this kind of music. I was thinking of iTunes or Napster but still didn't decide. Any suggestions?

Would anyone be interested in seeing a film about the life of Langston Hughes?

Due to a recent surge in the industry in making films about the lives of famous people. I was wondering would anyone be interested in seeing a film about the life of Harlem Renaissance pioneer Langston Hughes

Is there anyway to be sure of the stats you would receive BEFORE you join the AF?

I wouldnt join because since you and your boy friend are not married there is absolutely no guarantee that you will be stationed together. There is no making deals or anything like that you get what you get.

How can we stop birds from stealing from coming into out loft?

There is a small hole underneath the tiles, which we are getting fixed soon, but how can we deter them from coming in the hole in the meantime. We cannot do anything from the outside as we do not have a long enough ladder, but we have blocked the hole with chicken wire from the inside. There is still a gap between ther tiles and the joists. Please help - they are stealing our loft insulation to build their nests!!!

Question about the Starbucks in CANADA.?

definitly wait till he gets there you dont wanna seem like a fatty even though its just a drink and try like a strawberry and creme frap its cheap

How to tell if blades your blades are dull? After how many skating hrs do you get your skates sharpened?

I get my skates sharpened about every 1 or 2 months. and I skate 5 hours a day on my skates. I guess it really depends on how they feel to you. I know some people who get them done every 2 weeks. You can tell if they're dull by scraping the top of your finger nail perpendicular to the edge and if a small shaving of your nail comes off then they still have sharpness to them. if not you may need to get them sharpened.

When is the best time of day to take an ovulation test?

I bought an at-home 20 day ovulation test that I am going to start after this period ends. It says on the package that you should not perform the test less than 2 hours after drinking a lot of liquid, presumably because it will dilute your urine. It doesn't specify when in the day to take it, though. Does anyone know when the best time of day to take the test is? Thanks!

Calculating a company's net income for the year?

Let us put it this way. Net Income only involves revenues and expenses, and gains and losses. It has nothing to do with ets or liabilities. I could own a factory and a lot of receivable accounts, but if I do not receive revenues, my net income will either be 0 or less.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is there a leg to stand on suing?

a doctor whom after taking a child in to have a general checkup, the doctor says "I have concerns cause this child never talks and never smiles" in a doctor's office of all places. Then orders blood tests and makes an appointment to discuss results. The follow up appointment starts with asking questions like do you and your spouse fight alot and this looks like ual abuse and accuses or asks if the spouse would ever do anything like that and if the spouse was the biological parent out of the clear blue sky just because the child doesn't smile or talk to more or less strangers in a doctors office? Suit for Slander and False accusations and mental anguish?

Any advice to help a 3 mos. old take a pacifier? she needs help self soothing, & is sucking bottom lip.?

My grandaughter is 3 mos. old. She is fed. Having trouble sleeping. Can not seem to keep a pacifier in and now sucks on lower lip to self sooth. Her MD suggested pacifier, but she spits it out. Have tried many brands.

Gas tank swap question?

Is there another vehicle that has a fuel tank identical to 1986 Isuzu Trooper II, like perhaps off an Isuzu pickup or Chevy Blazer?

Need help with song that co-relates with the short story the lottery by Shirley Jackson.?

The music videos for the songs—"So Cold" by Breaking Benjamin, "Man That You Fear" by Marilyn Manson, and "Pioneers" by From Autumn To Ashes—are based upon "The Lottery." The song "Red Lottery" by Megasus that is featured in Guitar Hero II is based upon "The Lottery".

Meeting my boyfriend's female this weird and how should I act?

My BF lives in another city and i am going to see him very soon. His boss seemingly knows a lot about our relationship and even suggested early on that he wa sin love with me, which he was. She now wants to meet me and is taking us to a very swanky restaurant while I'm there. My questions are, why is she so interested in me and how should I be around her? I feel like I'm stepping into an interview or being looked over with a microscope, or worse, that I will be intimidated by the familiar banter she will inevitably share with my BF. Help, what should I do to keep my cool and not feel so dreaded about this meeting?

How to get skinnier by summer?

yeah that sounds like a good healthy diet. watch the scops of icecream and airhaeds though. to tone your thighs, do lunges and stepups. to tone your shomach, do crunches. and dont worry too much you honestly do sound like you look healthy. too skinny is ugly. im the same height and the same weight and i get compliments all the time.

Speech ideas?? PLEASE HELP?

I taught volleyball this year for the first time to 5th and 6th graders. Our banquet is on thursday and I have to come up with a little to say about 16 girls, and a speech all together I need some ideas!!!!!!

My last 2 digits are05 i still havent got a dep @ the bank yet...has anyone gotten theirs?

Some have received their direct deposits, but the bulk are being paid on Friday, May 2nd, for SS numbers ending between 00 and 20. I'm not expecting ours early because such a limited number are being paid early. But, Friday is only 3 days away.

Heuristics with Decision Making?

Request your parents or elder brothers or sisters to frequently encourage you and boost your morale. Also drink "Horlicks" or "Boost" or "Complan" mixed with milk. Let it be warm. Neither cold nor hot. These are sufficient to get what you want.

Does anybody else think that Chi chi and Sinister from Daisy of Love are creepy?

I get a little desperation creepy vibe from Chi chi especially - anybody else agree? If not, please explain

Is the world really "round"?

The earth is roughly spherical in shape. Otherwise, how would you get satellites to orbit the planet and allow communication devices to work?

Which of the 2 nicest??????

a question to the few who watch countdown. who is prettiest? carol vorderman or rachel riley? personally i would go for carol but both are nice. ( i am 37, feel free to leave your age.) just out of curiosity

How can i make less painfull for my girl friend?

When we have shes in alot of pain and i dont like to see her in pain so what can i do to make it easier on her???

About to get sued. Need answers.?

First: It is not slander if it is true and you can prove it. They must prove to a court much more than you do. The burden of proof is on them. they must prove that what you said was false and it hurt them. Again hurt or damaged them. Doesn't sound like they have a good change. don't let them frighten you because that is exactly what they are trying to do.

Sell your house what would you do?

the economic woes are beginning to creep up. if you could no longer afford your mortgage payment. but had the money to pay your home off. would you tap that resource that is invested and somewhat growing to pay off your home. or would you sell your home and take what equity that's there, and combine it with the savings money vehicles that are in place for retirement? so another words lose the retirement fund and keep the house. or lose the house and beef up the retirement fund... and hope that the economy picks up and start all over again.

HELP PLEASE!!! URGENT! Is it illegal or legal to have a big party in your front yard?

I would let all the neighbors know, that includes the neighbors behind your house. Yet you may also want to check with your local city hall. I too live in so cal and they require a permit in my city to hold a yard sale. But either way let your neighbors know and give them your phone number so they can call you first if it gets loud. Lastly, I went to a poker tournament in my friends uncle's backyard, he has the same issues with the dog so they rented carpets from a party rental place and covered up the whole backyard for the night, it was quite nice actually. If you have the means to do so check that option out.

Allergy test question?

i took an allergy test to see what i was allergic to in order to try and clear up small patches of eczema. the allergy test had a machine tht different substances were put into to see what i am allergic to. anyway, i noticed a small flare up after the test, do u think that the test was the cause of the flare up? or was it just coincidence (i didnt ingest any food)

Do people buy yugioh cards? If so wondering if....?

You have a lot of cards that are in demand. But you do have some cards that are banned in the Advanced format, but ok in the traditional format. You could sell those seperately. IMO, Holos you can sell individually. The rares (shiny silver letters only) you should sell in a group.

Would $1000 be enough for 4 weeks travel in Thailand? that is a month. Can you live on $250 a week in the states, no. Also, depending on what entertainment you might want to quadruple it. K? Peace.

In what age normally woman start to get menopause?

what about if a woman have just 3 days period time? does it mean she is getting close with menopause?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is it normal to have braxton hicks at 21 weeks?

hey hun!! dont stress too much. that can actually be bad for you and baby. just sit down and put your feet up. it does indeed sound like it could be braxton hicks contractions. i had these from like 15 weeks and they were super annoying. they aren't regular by any means. they'll come and go as they please. some days i would only have one or two. and then other days they'd be every hour. and the further along you get, the worse they'll usually get. just breath through them. the doctor just told me that some women just have an irritable uterus. so this is probably the case here too. you always need to let your doctor or nurse know of these types of things so they can record it. go ahead and give them a quick call. and best of luck to you!! and make sure to drink lots of water, especially since its summer. dehydration can bring these contractions on worse.

Does he still like me even after I dumped him?

This kid asked me out yesterday and I said for now i don'rt wnat to date and now i want to....Im not sure if he still likes me and will ask me out again. any advise?

Can I add more fish to this tank?

I have a 54 litre (12 UK gallons), pH 7, 24 degrees Celcius tropical aquarium which currently holds 5 Cardinal Tetra, 4 Penguin Tetra, a Fighting Fish and a Bristlenose Pleco. Would it be possible to add any more fish, in particular Tetras? I'm open to other suggestions too, though.

My friend's dog just died. Where can I find an online or printable card to cheer her up?

You can just send her a thinking of you card and write a message from the heart. You might want to recall a fond memory you have of the dog.

What was the reason for the freedom of india. was they were the extremers or the moderators first for freedom?

The reason for British raaj freeing India would be second world war. the crimes which this war perpetuated on humanity, changed minds of people in Europe. The colonialism which European powers like Britain and France practised on distant lands like India , china , Africa etc brought great revenues to their coffers so its people were proud about their conquests but when Hitler did the same thing to them they had first hand experience oppression which changed minds of people. they started loving words like freedom, liberty, democracy, self rule. hence India's cry for freedom which was falling in deaf ears so far , from then on started to fall in ears of freedom loving people , the result great Britain lost stomach to rule its colonies, thus she started to free them one by one.And the second part of your is incomprehensible.

Is wwe starting to mention chris benoit??

they have 2 sooner or later he's a great wrestler and the history of the sport can not be written without him...

Have you seen the teaser for next week's Jon and Kate Plus 8? What do you think?

I cant wait til Monday to find out, its been driving me nuts!! I think they are not going to address the rumors directly, but what they say may answer some questions! They said in the preview they were working on it, I hope everything gets worked out because I love the show, and dont want it to end....Kate can get snappy, but I think its just stress of being overwelmed, I think shes a good mom, and I think Jon has learned to take up for himself, so, No I dont think shes a bad person.

Is MCR against or for hunting?

I know they barely go hunting, cuz they're soo busy, but do you think they are against it or for it? i hae DYING to know! please answers!!!

Is Fox Lying, am i missing something? or is it just a mistake on my end or their end?

Okay so i was on the Fox NEWS Political map. I noticed something fishy, Turn all the states grey and then one state blue, then turn the same state red... is it me or are they lowering obamas numbers? or am i missing something? Here's the site a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Opinion on Aaron Rodgers?

Basically I want to get the rest of your opinions on Aaron Rodgers.My own personal opinion is that people are hyping him up way too soon.Sure he has had great numbers in his 3 starting seasons but in those 3 seasons there has been far better QB's(Warner in 2008 Brees in 2009 Brady last season/Also Rivers in all three of those seasons.).He wins the Superbowl (Which I will admit was a great performance) and people start saying he's the best in the league based on his postseason performance.What about Brady?Two time MVP,Three time Superbowl champ (Mostly because of Vinateiri but Brady put them in a winning position) and two of the best seasons any QB ever has had (2007,last season).Then there's Peyton Manning four time MVP,superbowl champ,Will most likely break every ping record,Epic forehead.I'm not saying Rodgers isn't one of the best because he is a top 5 QB in my opinion (Number 4 just behind Brees) but until he has as many Superbowl's as Brady or as many MVP's and 4000+ yard seasons as Manning he will never be considered the best current QB in my eyes.I can see him becoming one of the great QB's of all time (Dan Marino is the greatest of all-time despite the lack of rings) but people just need to stop all ready considering him one until he has actually proved he can be consistently successful.

Rate my fantasy team?

The starters look good with the exception of McGahee - you also seem to have him on the bench though. As a 6th back, he isn't bad. I'm not sure how much value Larry Johnson will have; it remains to be seen how the carries work out between Protis and Johnson, but he's also buried on your depth chart. The WRs look decent or better with some risk depending on how Kolb pans out, how Marshall holds up and where Houshmanzadeh ends up since he was cut by the Seahawks. Rivers should have another solid year at QB and the WR issues in Minnesota could make Shiancoe even more valuable.

What is everyone's problem with Obama?

i was just wanting to know what everyone's freakin' problem is with Senator Obama... i mean first the muslim rumors (which were false)... then the other day a guy came in to where i work and told all of us there that Obama doesn't salute the flag or say the pledge... personally i doubt america is going to allow a senator to stay in office if he doesn't even salute the flag of the country he is serving... and just in case you guys are wondering... i'm no democrat.... i voted for george w. bush in both of the past 2 elections... i just wish the slander would stop...

I am looking for ariel photos for Cartama, Spain 2002 to prove I didn't build my house.?

I purchased a DVD from a contact that was given to us when we visited the Junta De Andalucia Building In Malaga. This we then used in our evidence to Cartama Ayuntamiento. But the same pictures can be found on the Website of the Hacienda in Malaga, but they will not give you a print out but you can view them.

Do long distance relationships work?

i am 16, my boyfriend is aswell. but he lives about 45minutes away. and before you say 'that's not very much' it is when you cannot drive. he sometimes takes the train down to my place, and i do too. but it's difficult, do you reckon that i'll work?! i am very keen on athletics, and he's amazing at it, we go to different clubs though, so i see him at the meetings. but other than that i see him like once a month, twice if i'm lucky. we've never lived nearby. we meet through athletics, which i guess is quite nice. i love him and he loves me. how much longer should i expect it to last if we've been dating for 5 months?

Why are Democrats choosing to retire or switch parties before the 2010 elections?

Because they can read the writing on the wall, they know what time it is America is fed up with the democrat party

When a flammable liquid is distilled using a Bunsen Burner as heat source why is a rubber tube attached to the

continuation of the question: side arm of the vacuum adapter and hung over the edge of the bench top?

What exactly is menopause?

i knwo this is kind a lame but i am 15. what exaactly does menopause mean. i kind a know what it means

Lebanese Ancestry for Dummies. Arab or Phoenician?

This is for you thick headed people who cant get this, :why cant people get that the majority of Lebanese people aren't ethnically Bedouins (Arabs) , same goes to all Arab countries such as Egypt other than Gulf Countries of the Arabian peninsula, which themselves have a population of non-Arabs called 3eem with Persian or African Ancestory. Muslims invaders ( some say traders) , then converted all non-arab countries from Spain to China and most countries still adopt the language and religion . And in the end shouldnt the people identify their ethinicity the way they want, Arab, Phoenician, Lebanese or even a world citizen?

Does anyone give validity to the allegations of Jose Conseco that A-Rod is a juicer?

Canseco's statements on other players have been pretty right on. He has nothing to gain by saying stuff about A Rod, other then media attention which could be the reason. It has nothing to do with jealousy. Team owners knew he juiced and knew he could get fans in the seats, once steroids became an issue, they pretty much threw him under the bus so I think this is his revenge on the game, throw a popular players name out there.


Everyone should buy Hilary Duff's new single called "Any Other Day" from the soundtrack of her new movie "What Goes Up." Go to iTunes and download it, so Hilary can get in the top 10 most downloaded song list!!! GO HILARY DUFF!

Video card quesion Help! AGP Geforce FX5500....please read!

I am getting a geforce FX5500 vid card for my dell has a 250W PSU and the video card has no fan......will any of these details be a problem?? I think my power supply is fine but is it ok if i dont have the fan for the video card.....I just figured since it is a low video card i shouldnt worry about it too much......but if i have to get a fan for it could i have a link to where i could get one compatible for it??? thnx 2 all who read this long question!!!!!!! :) :P

Where can i rent psp games?

I live in Oakland county Michigan and i want to rent psp games but my blockbuster and family video don't have them.

I have an ideal concord c seris 2a boiler what are the btu or kw?

would need the model no also there should be a data badge fitted to the boiler somewhere usually on the base.

Green bay packers xbox 360 controller?

I'm looking for a wireless Green Bay Packers xbox 360 controller, not just the faceplate. I've been looking like crazy but I can't find a wireless one. The prices are reasonable, but none are wireless. Can anyone help me find a wireless controller?

Help with heating my whole house?

OK, so we bought an older house on a short sale a couple weeks ago and when it came time to turn the boiler on in the basement, the cast iron radiators were busted. It leaked water all over the house to where we had to replace all the floors and remove the heaters. It is a little warmer out now so we run 4 space heaters and the oven when it gets chilly. I have a gas boilter a gas water heater. My question is this....nexf winter, can I just run Infrared heaters? My house is 1500sqft. Or can someone tell me how to use the boiler in other ways besides replacing those heavy cast iron radiators? I will need heat somehow next year but I dont want to spend a fortune, I am wrapped up enough. Can you please help with efficiant, cheap ideas??

What do you think of these names?

I love Benjamin Edward for a boy and Rebekah Elizabeth (I love Rebekah spelt this way as opposed to Rebecca) I love your surname btw lol. It's so amazing and you picked some amazing names and I love all of them

Ethanol was used in the recrystallisation step to improve recovery of solubilised aspirin?

because aspirin impurities are soluble in warm ethanol, and recrystallizing aspirin in ethanol separates the pure aspirin from its impurities.

For midtermssssss...?

when my high school had midterms we would only go to two cles a day (we have six total) and it would take three days of a weird schedule. we would have each cl for two hours and stayed there until the four hours were up. i don't know what you mean by regents but you could ask a teacher or a friend in a higher grade. good luck.

How can I find articles that include statistics?

I want to find an article that includes statistical inferences based on two samoples. Please tell me how can I find it.

What's the best 3D Cad program for Pop Displays?

I'm an experience graphic designer and have a new client that wants pop display designs. I could accomplish this with adobe illustrator, yet need a more robust program that specializes in these type of designs.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How Do You Think My Name Is Pronounced?

I pronounce is Britt-nee it is probably supposed to be Brit-ta-nee, but one of my best friends growing up had that name and we just always called her Britt-nee, so that is how I've always said the name. How do you like it to be pronounced?

Umm can you tell me what this is basicly saying? i cant seem to grasp it...?

In 1603, a Tokugawa shogunate (military dictatorship) ushered in a long period of isolation from foreign influence in order to secure its power. For more than two centuries this policy enabled Japan to enjoy stability and a flowering of its indigenous culture. Following the Treaty of Kanagawa with the US in 1854, Japan opened its ports and began to intensively modernize and industrialize. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan became a regional power that was able to defeat the forces of both China and Russia. It occupied Korea, Formosa (Taiwan), and southern Sakhalin Island. In 1931-32 Japan occupied Manchuria, and in 1937 it launched a full-scale invasion of China. Japan attacked US forces in 1941 - triggering America's entry into World War II - and soon occupied much of East and Southeast Asia. After its defeat in World War II, Japan recovered to become an economic power and a staunch ally of the US. While the emperor retains his throne as a symbol of national unity, elected politicians - with heavy input from bureaucrats and business executives - wield actual decisionmaking power. The economy experienced a major slowdown starting in the 1990s following three decades of unprecedented growth, but Japan still remains a major economic power, both in Asia and globally.

What would be a good slogan for food?

I need to make a food brochure, and I can't come up with any slogans :( I'm making a Japanese food brochure, but any food slogan would be helpful :)

2 month old chewing her hands raw?

My two month old little girl will suck on anything...except a pacifier. She was never liked them, but she's starting to chew her hands raw. Any idea's what to do?

Im so angry and hurt please help!?

I work for a big corporation, but we are a small dept, and their are 3 of us who work on portfolios, I being the less experienced (they have about 10years ahead). My biggest issue is that one co-worker cannot stand me... why? I have no idea.. I have talked to her about it once (about 2wks) ago and she didnt say a word back to me, after I told her we are a team and I want us to be team players..she agreed and that was it. Well she'll try to do everything in her power to exclude me from meetings, or lunches with other depts or coworkers. Now the only co-worker that does like me seems to be excluding me as well, and although he bad mouths her he does everything to have lunch with her and just talk business with her. Im so hurt right now, they all went to lunch that she put together and once again they've excluded me because SHE organized it. Im hurt that my co-worker that does get along with me didnt bother telling me or inviting me.. and I've noticed he's been slowly excluding me as well. It's not a jealousy thing.. all im trying to do is move up and learn from them.. but they seem to not want that for me.. the female co-worker is so cynical all the time, and so negative and any chance she gets to throw anyone under the bus she does it.. and my other male co-worker knows this.. but since she's pretty sharp and smart and the bosses like her.. my male coworker would rather be around her than me. why cant we all just get along.. i've done nothing to her and she just doesnt like me for whatever reason. Just as a note, the female co-worker is a and she's short and stumpy..and not good looking but she is smart and sharp!! Basically, I want to know how to handle this situation without having to talk to anyone about it anymore??.. is it worth trying to hang out with them to look good??? looks like my male co-worker is just looking out for himself and what's convenient for him.. and since he knows she's somewhat liked by the bosses he's rather be ociated with her..

Allergies? Im devasted!?

Ok first of all there is something seriously wrong with you and i am genuinely concerned! Even though you owe hospital bills they cannot deny medical care to you so just go to your nearest emergency room. It may be mold like the other person said but it can also be something waaay more serious. Also unpaid hospital bills do not affect your credit so just go you have no excuse.. I want to hear from you again when you go to the hospital so you can tell me what they told you!

How to get smaller hips/?

First off, I DO NOT have an eating disorder. I just want to make that clear. I am asian and I weigh 95 pounds. Now, I know that that is really small. When I look at myself in the mirror, I think that i look "big," not exactly fat. I lifted my shirt up and I saw that in my hip area, it looks like an hour gl to me. I used to do gymnastics from 3rd grade til now but I had to quit due to a re-occuring wrist injury that wouldn't heal. So i haven't really been exercising lately so to say. What are some exercises that I could do to help reduce my hip/ area? Any dietary restrictions? Or am i taking this way over the top?

Is there any natural very long & thick haired lady to clean chat & true friend?

I believe natural long hair is true ornaments of ladies n should preserve it forever eventhough having difficulties in modern life. i'm a natural long hair lover n wanna true such friend.

How to find the energy of a pendulum?

I'm almost certain my answer would not fit your math equivalent for the stored energy of a pendulum because, I am a writer with some artistic abilities and the pendulum has been the focus point for my present art and stories. I have the crescent moon and at the high point a string holding the object. It makes for a very powerful impression .

What do you do about group member's emails getting tagged as spam?

A couple of the members in our group have had their emails held up by the spam blocker even though they were legitimate emails. I went through the emails and can't find anything that looks like it might be targeted by a spam blocker! As the group moderator I didn't really want to have to check the spam folder everyday to release legitimate stuff. Our group is unlisted and by invite only...can I turn off the spam blocker? Other suggestions? Thanks!!!

How can i load the himem.sys?

Im trying to restore a backup image file in my laptop, but it says "the himem.sys is not loaded and cant create or restore image files". How to load himem.sys, im in DOS

Why are creationists wrong?

I am asking all of those total anti-creationist people out there - what else, besides the arguments for evolution, is there to disprove the existence of a God, or at least the creation by one? Any web search I have tried has only brought up arguments against creationist arguments or evidence for evolutionary processes. Somehow I don't think that the many people out there who believe in God will be swayed by one argument - or by others saying that creationism is "stupid". I am not looking for a debate, but rather for some reasoning that is new to me. However, please keep these in layman's terms; I am not a physicist!

Can someone help with this Imeem copyright problem I am having?

No, it does not mean you will be sued. The steps listed are the steps necessary to reinstate your content, if you so choose.

How to getback my fairness from the pits occurred over my face due to pimples ?

please suggest me as soon as possible. I consulted skin specialist, he suggested me to take skin polishing and chemical peeling. How far will it help me and get rid of this pits over my face.

Is Speed Alone play in the majors?

If the roster was expanded and you could have fast guys just for base running then yes, speed alone would be enough. But as it is now, no.

Are atheists more 'alive'?

not really. my boyfriend's mother who recently ped away was catholic, and very much alive. awesome artist, very funny, and loved life and the people in it.

What are the chances of Stoke doing us a favour tomorrow and keeping Man United in 6th?

kenwyn Kenwyn .......fortress stoke with no Valencia or Rooney......I can see a Chelsea Vs WBA scoreline

Good gory, violent, or bloody songs?

not looking for music. and if 's all you know, then it atleast has to have singing. sorry, i cant stand pure screaming.

Ball Python feeding help!?

ok, i got my python 3 days ago. the guy at the store said wait three days to feed it. so ive waited, now i dropped in my thawed out frozen mouse into the cage. its been a couple a days and i know pythons are picky eaters but the mouse is bloody so obviously he bit it a little bit. but do i just leave the bloody mouse in the cage? or take it out and refreeze it. the head is just slightly bitten. I feel like i should leave it in there cause he hasnt ate in like a week

What are advantages/disadvantages of LLC owing LLC vs lets say individual owning 2 separate LLC?

One disadvantage would be if the parent LLC declares bk then the child LLC is going to be used to pay off the debt of the parent. If they are separate then they are sheltered from each other.

What were the family names of the royal blood line in the Da Vinci Code?

I am a very fast reader and just started the book today! Can you give me a week or so and I will give it to you? When do you need it by?

I have dreams about scary men trying to kill me?

ever since i was a baby. i'll just be walkin along or somthing and groups of men will either shoot me or chase me around with swords. what could this mean?

Price for a leg tattoo?

My boyfriend's 18th birthday is coming up in november and he really wants a tattoo. I decided i will buy him one as prat of his present. I know they can be expensive (i want it to be worth the money). Just out of curiousity of how much money i need to save up.. how much would a medium size leg tattoo cost? I live in NC by the way.

Any good pep rally ideas?

Hey! We're planning on playing a team whose mascot is the Trojans, and we're the Yellow Jackets. Any ideas to incorporate any activities that tie with those mascots? Or any ideas in general? Anything would be great! :)

Some questions about the Palm Pre Plus & the Motorola DROID 2 . . .?

well, my friend has the palm pre (from sprint) not the palm pre plus, but i REALLY like it. And i'm guessing the palm pre plus is even better than the original. No, there isn't a keyboard on the touch screen, but there is regular texting on the phone and it is not that hard at all to type, even though the keyboard seems tiny. (i always play with my friend's phone lol) oh and there web browsing seems to work good. well i don't know much about the droid 2 but i'm sure its a great phone too, sounds like a pretty hard decision, hope i helped a bit. :)

Trip to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty?

Take the ferry from Weehawkin. Oh, and book your trip to the crown first. You get to skip the whole line. If not, you'lll be waiting in it for HOURS!

Whats a cute tumblr url ?

Heres a little description of me . My name is Samantha , i love pink . Im a fan of quotes & music . Im into artist like Bruno Mars , Think you can help ????

Do palestinians want peace or the desctruction of Israel?

Do you think the palestinians really want peace or the destruction of Israel? The palestinians say they are decedents of the philistines, but historically, the philistines only lived in gaza and up a few miles along the shoreline. The "west bank" as it is called today is Judea and Samaria. During the roman empire, Judea and Samaria was called the Iudea (Judea) province, Jesus was even born in Nazareth, a village in Judea. But after a Jewish revolt (the Bar Kochba revolt), the romans renamed the province "syria-palaestina" to insult the Jews and disconnect them from their ancient homeland because the ancient enemies of the Jews were the yrians and philistines. After the roman empire fell "syria-palaestina" was just called palestine. Over 2000 years since it was renamed "palestine" I can see why the palestinians think it's their land, but historically the Jews have been there since the beginning. Do you think the palestinians just want peace or just the destruction of Israel?

Friday, August 12, 2011

How does the setting of macbeth affect the feel of the story?

The moorland creates the sinister witches image. The community is one of belief in the king as God's annointed on earth and the play follows this message.

What is the family guy episode with hitler and eva?

what is the name of the family guy episode with adolf hitler and eva braun attempting to take suicide pills, instead they argue about whose going first and just say "no you do it" or "this time for real".

Towing new Motorcycle in the Rain?

I would just ride the thing in the rain,but then again my bikes are transportation not toys. Im not afraid ta get wet!

I want to change the tiles around my open fire. Which tiles can i use and what do I have to do?

I have a thirties edwardian style fireplace and wanted to replace with either stone or mettalic style tiles. what do I need to know and where can I get these tiles? thanks so much

Should I buy this horse?

I am a 13 year old girl. I already have a horse in my home country Brazil, but my riding teacher says that I have ped the level of riding club horses. I take jumping lessons more than dressage. I jump up to 80cm. The mare is slightly high, I don't know how many hands, but she is about 155cm tall. She is 9 years old. She has a very docile character, she is highly obedient and very high-spirited. However, she is very easily spooked and she has trouble trying new things. Her paces are smooth and her jumping is excellent (up to 120cm high). I do not know her breed, for it is a typical colombian breed (I live in Colombia). She will cost me about 5000 US dollars (10 million colombian pesos). Should I buy her?

I need a promo code for Southwest...does anyone know of any?

I'm flying to Las Vegas (Aug 14th) and returning Aug 16. I can fly out of either Oakland, San Francisco, or San Jose.

Can anyone tell me where to get the Cheetah Girls dance tutorials for the song "Step Up"?

I really need help on getting the dance moves to "Step Up" from the movie Cheetah Girl's 2.

What are some pros and cons of imperialism in the Western Hemisphere?

what were some negative effects of imperialism in the western hemisphere and what were some positive effects.

Major lodger problem!?

Seriously, do nothing yourselves. Get legal advice. You do not want them to have anything else against you. Rest ured, they have no rights.

Why are the Grizzlies even considering giving up OJ Mayo?

I understand he is coming off the bench, they are trying to make their 2nd unit stronger adn do have a lot of expiring contracts coming up, but for goodness sake this guy has a chance to be really good, he hasn't lived up to the hype so far. But i can see giving up Mayo as stupid as the Pau Gasol trade...

College Choosing Help Please?

I am a bit biased, but LSU has a pretty awesome history dept and their chemical engineering is second to none.. I honestly don't know about the rest. If what you say about yourself in the above question is true, you are already smarter than me and will make the right choice.

What is my mother up to?

She always seems to know how to blame me - first of all, though, she constantly seems to be trying to make a fool of me, no matter what I do. It's undermining my confidence. She makes me feel like I don't have the ability to think - she always says "think about it," like I'm an idiot. She makes me feel like I'm "slow", my mind may be on something greater, like the next step in the process, but she makes me feel like an idiot for not doing something basic, like not putting out the tea cups, yet, when I've only just poured the tea. It seems like she uses each situation, as an excuse to make me feel ridiculed, or mentally slow. I gave her ice cream I'd bought for her and Dad out of generosity, and said, "are you going to take back all the belittling things you've said," and instead of saying, "oh what do you mean?" she laughed, and said, "yeah". She always has a smile on her face, that sort of looks smart, bitchy. Tonight, when she opened the door to see the cat, she hit him, because he happened to be out of his basket. Even though, I wasn't there, she managed to blame me by saying that I should have "closed the door, more properly." This is maddening. She couldn't admit that she was simply unobservant. I finally decided to stand up to her, after trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, all evening, and said, I'd had enough of her, I'm leaving, she said, "good."! It's like she's so uncaring. Nothing means anything to her, she just laughs.

How is it that I awake each morning to news that I am down 20 or 30 points?

I also find most of my questions deleted and violation notices in my inbox. Are certain people trying to silence me or am I just in violation of yahoo!'s community guidelines? If it's the latter are yahoo! moderators just doing their jobs by deleting my questions? And if its the former, who do you think would have an interest in silencing my voice?

GOTH: Is it just a phase?

Goth is a way of life. It is embracing darkness instead of seeking to escape it. It's not for the weak minded. It's for those who have a mind of their own and are not guided by the whims of the majority. Above all, it's about knowing that sometimes dead is better.

How much does she like me??????

this girl and i have been talking for like a year. she said yes to prom last year, but couldnt go bcuz my friends limo ride was $300. well we've been talking since then.we went to a sports banquet this last saturday, and she brought her mom over to meet me. well she asked me to put pics up of us, and we always text till we fall asleep. she always asks to hangout. and we're going on a double date next weekend. if i dont see her for a long time she'll ask me if i miss her and stuff. yesterday i gave her a gift bag for valentines day, and she said, "awwwww thanx." and this morning when we said bye she gave me like a 15 second long hung. she's 19 im 17

What experiences have you endured that made you a stronger,more loving person?

I had my copy of "Warriors Don't Cry" signed by it's author Melba Beals. She was one of the "Little Rock Nine", a group of Black students who were accepted into Little Rock Arkansas during the school integration during 1957. She endured so much pain and manevolence as she was harrased by white students,parents,police men(even the govenor of Arkansas sent the nation guard to keep them from entering the school.When I met Melba, she left me speechless and I was just in awe of all that she and her companions had done to change the world.Has anyone here grown from such a difficult experience and ultimately triumphed( brought you closer in your relationship with God and your true character)

HELP!!! Does anyone have a link to the SNL episode on 10/18/08?

Adele, my fave singer was performing, and I forgot to record the episode. I am sooo bummed. If anyone has a link to the episode or to her performances that night, can you please let me know, it would mean so much. Thanks.

After how many miles should you get new brakes?

yes it should need the brake replaced depending on how you drive brakes should checked every year or two most people have to have them replaced about every two years. cost depends on what has to be replaced any where from $50.00 to $200.00

This morning I logged onto and it said there was an error...I would paste it here, but it is?

got the same problem, dunno what it is if you figure out how to sort itlet me know, I'll do the same if i figure it out!

Whats bt vision really like? anyone know?

im into golf and football,is the coverage of these sports as good as bt say ? and how much per month for the basic package and how much for it with sports? im asking this question because like most companys it always starts FROM ���� per month and before you know it you are upto �40 a month for something you thought was going to be �20. cheers folks.

What are the secrets behind the prosperity of the Scandinavian nations?

Simple, good legal system , highly educated population, lower levels of curroption than Untied States, or France. They make adjustments very quickly in the world economy, and have educated population to know correctly how to excute social policy. Scanidivans came by the boatloads to Minnesota, North Dakota at the end of the 19th century because of poverty during that time. During the 20th century they slowly industralize, and investment wisely in instructure, education, and most of them avoided the great depression depth because they were ahead of the time in economic policy, unlike the USA, Canada, Austraila which tighted money supply during the great depression, the opposite ouccured in Scandvian countries. People said 20 years ago Sweden would fail, but anybody with common sense know Scanidivan country have more flexible labor markets than UK, USA when it comes to the global because of good safety net to quickly retrain workers.

Would you buy these on etsy?

Im thinking of making an etsy site to sell my crochet/ amigurumi items on but im not sure if people would buy them, so in your own opinion, would you like to buy them either for yourself or as a gift, Thanks :)

Why is the photo of "Marshmom" so small?

It would be better if her photo was larger, because then it would be easier for me to fantasize about her making love to her clone. The small photo of her makes her look very attractive, in a suburban mom sort of way, so you see how interesting it would be for her to walk in on another one of her in the shower, and... and... geez, I'm starting to shake.

Wall mounted drying rack for quilts or baskets?

I am looking for a wall mounted drying rack to hold baskets. I did not know if anyone knew of anyplace where I could purchase one. It does not need to be an antique.

Why are people so hateful?

People are on here looking for enlightenment but there are people on here who go completely out of the way just to be hateful. Do you think you are helping or do you enjoy being mean to those on an intellectual journey or accepting and appreciating reality. I really don't understand it.

Does this mean my bunny is getting ready to give birth or is pregnant?

My female Lionhead, Roxy has started carrying hay around in her mouth, moving it around the cage which she shares with a male. I've only just noticed this behaviour today. Could this be indicitive that she's pregnant? Is this nest-building behaviour, or not?

What's the meaning of my dream?

Ok, I had one of those dreams last night where its multiple dreams in one dream. One part of the dream there was this huge hotel like place being built. Then the next think I know I'm in somekind of seacreature park think and I see these huge redish looking long and think mantaray like things and I was trying to cetch one in a net but then it kept biting me through the net like three or four times. Then the next think I know I was in these long dark and desolate corridors of some place I do not know. Then the next thing I know I'm on this huge stage with the set people and then I see Britney Spears High up with her arms and legs tied to this big metal square, she was completely naked by the way. Then this little black boy was laughing and jumped on her and tried to her but he fell of her and hit the stage and died. Well they got Britney down and then everyone came over to see if the boy was alright or whatever. I was sorta standing aloof in the dream like a ghost.

My broadband is an 2mb download speed and its very slow most of the time as little as 7kbs somtimes?

i run vista home premium tried a lot of solutions no joy sometimes it it justs jumps up to nearly 2mb but seldom mostly its slow

Tax ID and Cosmetic surgery?

I'm trying to get a tax id for an LLC that will be doing cosmetic procedures, like botox and things like that. Would that be considered Health service or just a service?

Do you thinkCode Pink is guilty of Treason against the United States of America?

From US Constitution: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.Read carefully!Is accusing a Govt. official of lying,during wartime, about statements to go to war WITHOUT proving it TREASON? It certainly is adhering to the enemy. Did the US Government LIE? Lie definition:A false statement deliberately presented as being true. Saying that WMDs were not found is not proof that US GOV. lied.Look at the meaning of a lie. There's a word deliberate.So if someone believes something is true IT IS NOT A LIE!If you say it was a lie then YOU must prove it! Proving it means that the Government knew the Saddam didn't still have WMDs.Saddam even told a CIA agent that he wanted the world to think he had them to deter Iran from an attack. If you think US Gov. lied then blame dems as they started the lie in '98!Want proof? Copy and paste this! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why is a RNA primer used in DNA replication rather than a DNA primer?

I am taking AP Biology and like the curious person I am, I asked this question that apparently not even our best teachers can answer. I looked on and similar ones remain unanswered. I ume it has something to do with biochemistry?

English pronunciation guide to the german lyrics of An die Freude by Beethoven?

I just need the pronunciation guide in english and not the english translation. could someone please direct me to a site where its available? thnx!

What is the spanish word manny ramirez says after swinging and missing?

Manny sometimes says something in Spanish after he has just swung and missed, the commentators (Don and Jerry) say they cannot say what it is on TV, i guess it is a vulger word..and the pitcher didn't like it, and responded by hitting Manny w. the pitch. I was just curious as to what that word was, if anyone knows it!

So what can I use instead of limewire?

I use rhapsody but it's 10 a month but MORE than worth it also just downloaded newest version of Frostwire n have had no troubles

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why does she keep doing this?

my current bf and his ex broke up like 11 months ago (we been together 6 and literally spend all our time together, sleep in the same bed every night etc) and since then there have been all kinds of dramas, she msg and tries calling him, he doesnt reply or answer he just wants her to go away, she threatens to send people around to bash him and even pulled the im pregnant with your baby crap telling him to answer his phone because she found out the of the baby, he told me she was lying and sure enough her friend text him saying she had been in a bad car accident and they werent sure the baby would survive... then her new bf(who she left my current bf for and was married at the time btw) msg to say they did scans and she was only 6 weeks along so it couldnt have been my bf's-tried rubbing it in etc) she left us alone for a bit, but then last week she starts up again saying she lied about all of that and she is really due in two weeks with his baby and she didnt want to admit it!! wtf!!! so now its an 11 month pregnancy!!! so i answered the phone and caught her out in all her lies... (my bf has happily shown me all her msg, hasnt tried to hide anything) then my bf sisters fiance grabbed the phone and did the same thing ( i think that pissed her off cause he never introduced her to his family and ive known them all since day one, we all go out, camping, movies parties etc, im "aunty Sarah" to his niece and nephew...which his dad says not me btw). next morning she text him saying "ha ha my bf was sitting beside me the whole time to see how you would react, lol". why does she do this?? she left him for another man!!! is she just a psycho??? this isnt teen dramas either, im 28, my man is 30

What are my responsibilities as a car lease co-signer in case a car accident and lack of insurance liability?

I'm a co-lesse in a car lease. A primary lesse have had a car accident where several cars were involved. An insurance coveridge for property damage and bodily injury liability is short to pay full amount of money for this accident. Do I have to pay my personal money to cover lack of liability in this case or this is responsibility of the primary lessee only?

What are your favorite movies?

Life is Beautiful, Crash, Little Women, and Kill Bill Volume 1- all of them made me cry, except for kill bill

Does anyone have a recipe for Shipwreck Stew using leftover chili?

add a tin of tomato soup and 5 cubed potatoes to the chilli top with crated cheese and cook for an hour in a medium oven

I don't know how to fold a Microsoft Publisher brochure?!?

I am using Microsoft Publisher to create a brochure but I don't know hot to fold it. Is there any way I can find instructions? Does anyone know how to do this?

Do home security alarm systems really deter criminals?

In my experience,yes, especially as concerns residential burglars. It's a matter of minimizing risk, why take the house with the alarm when there is less risk in choosing one that isn't alarmed. Burglars expect commercial property to be alarmed, so if they can';t disable it they count on a fast in and out before the police arrive. I had an attempted break in at my house last year. As soon as the sensors went off the offenders ran away. I wasn't home, but they didn't get anything.

Are you throwing in the towel?

If you are a Christian you would know that your life has been panned long before your birth. The Lord put obstacles on our way in life to test our faith. After every hurdle you p in your life you become stronger and stronger. So do not throw in your towel yet. There are so many true and beautiful ladies out there and the right one are waiting for you. One day you would realize that 5 years with your real soul mate and wife makes up for a lifetime with the wrong wife. Look for her, she might be just around the corner.

Would i be able to teach English in Colombia without a degree?

I am 18 and am currently doing my Alevel exams, i am taking a gap year and am going to Colombia as i have family there. I speack Spanish fluently and have a Spanish Alevel where i got an A. I was wondering whether it would be possible to teach English, the Alevels i have taken are: English language,Film Studies, Spanish and French.

Problems with ares????

im went to search for an artist, typed the name in & the timer keeps goin & no songs are coming up. what should i do???? i know this artist has alot of music cause i already have stuff on my mp3 player for him. please help

Poll : Skittles or M&M's?

M & M's, try heating in microwave for 20 seconds on high,they go all warm and gooey on the inside,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm♥

What kind of shorts do you need to wear black pantyhose under?

Shorts look better with pantyhose and pantyhose looks better than bare legs so it doesent matter what kind of shorts.

Thinking about getting a goldfish...?

Tomorrow I think I'm gonna go into town and get a goldfish (maybe 2 or 3) and a small tank, not a big fancy one just a small plastic one, along with a small net for taking them out the tank and stones and an ornament thing for the bottom of the tank. How much will this roughly cost me and is there anything else I need that I'm missing?

What would the balance read (in grams) if the flask has a volume of 7.5 L and the temperature is 19 C?

ume that you take a flask, evacuate it to remove all the air, and find its m to be 488.5 g. You then fill the flask with argon to a pressure of 2.5 atm and reweigh it

What quotes from the Great Gatsby prove daisy is living a life of luxury?

Also, i need a quote showing that she did not marry the man she loved (Gatsby). An explanation of how the quote relates (a quote ysis) would be much appreciated!

My android hauwae ascend is in the androind text mode, how do i change it to swipe mode?

Long press the text field and select input method. At least that's how I do it on my droid X and when I had a droid

Should I play Steve Smith (Car) against the Giants or Pierre Thomas (NO) against the Vikings for week 1 2010?

Go Pierre Thomas. As much as I like Steve Smith, I feel Hakeem Nicks will lead the Giants in touchdown catches this year. If it's PPR, then start Smith.

Hair Styles for a Metalhead besides long hair?

Hi i'm mike, 15 years old, huge metal fan. I have long, mid-back length hair right now that is becoming quite high maintenace because how fine (thin) my hair is. I'm also involved in athletics and my long hair is starting to get in the way of that. Does anyone have any short/medium hair suggestions that are still pretty crazy looking that don't require a S**t load of combing everyday?

Do you think children should have a choice of how we learn?

I think that would be great. Let's teach each and let the child decide which they choose to believe.

Which former Champion is coming to TNA, as the major announcement?

I know for a fact it will not be Brock Lesnar because he joined some martial arts company. But I think its either gonna be someone that left WWE recently like Flair or Booker T?

Politics rant- Whats your opinion?

No, we're not on the same side. The knuckledraggers who voted for Reagan started the economy on the road to outsourcing and other scams, and we haven't had a real liberal in the White House since the start of 1969! Even with Vietnam, LBJ was a hell of a lot better as president than anyone since! So knock off the clueless lecture!

Which isotope is most abundant and why?

hydrogen-1, hydrogen-2, hydrogen-3. i was thinking hydrogen-1 since it is on the periodic table but what would another reason be?

In the book "Red Pyramid" the dad said something about fairness. What was it?

Carter was moaning as he was in Egypt and his father was making him wear smart (but very hot) clothing and he was feeling really sticky and hot so he asked his father why couldn't he wear shorts and a top and his father said people would judge him more harshly for being African/American and Carter said it wasn't fair and his father told him that fairness isn't always getting what you want as Carter wanted to wear light clothing but his father wasn't letting him because they will be judge on it - so this is what Carter felt was unfair

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Makeup Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Simple and easy!!!?

Concealer is just what you use to cover up small imperfections on your face like pimples. Just dab a little where you need it. Foundation is liquid make-up that you use on your entire face to even out your skin tone. Hope that helped! And always make sure you don't use too much or it will look fake and cake-y. All you need is a little because you already have good skin.

Why does my computer lag on every game i play?

ok so not that long ago i was just playing starcraft 2 and i have it on the lowest graphic settings and it just starts to lag after 5 to 10 minutes and then it will last for a few minutes then go away and come back. I got an error one time and it said my graphics card shut down but the error hasnt came back since. I tried a few other games and the exact same thing happends, so if you know whats happening here please help.

What is the currency for each of these places?

I think your ship's purser should be able to provide you a currency exchange before you disembark at each city or visit a bank when you hit land. But, in most cases, you can just use your visa/mc and they will automatically perform the transaction in the proper currency at the best possible rate. But check out the currencies before you go so that you don't think you're spending 5 bucks for a sombrero when you are actually paying 15.

Should remixes be used for DJ-ing a high school dance?

I was just hired to DJ for a Sadie Hawkins style dance. Should I spend my time looking for good remixes of popular songs, or just play the songs like the students would hear on the radio?

I need a perfect name for our 1st baby...hope you can give me a hint..?

im 5 months pregnant for our 1st child..(and were very excited) ..and were having a hard time choosing a name for our baby... we dont know the gender yet...coz my husband want it to be a we don't under go ultra sound...i have a name "Leo" for a boy..and "Lea" for a girl...its somehow a combination of our name;; Leonardo and Aime...but i need more idea for a name..hope you can give me one....tnx..its a big help...

There was a doentary on the life of stars?

I could not remember the tv channel in which it was telecast,most probably National geographic or Discovery, can anyone pliz tell me the name of the doentary or maybe similar doentary.Just curious how these people live in the real world thats all , nothing beyond that, thanks in advance

Actor 'head shots' studio work?

Ok well iv been acting for atleast 10 years and what iv been told by casting directors is that the lighting and angle are a big part. You need to make their eyes be the center point and have angles to highlight them (eyes) it needs to be mysterious. Make sure that there isnt a mive like space othere than their head and shoulders...maybe to there sternum? Good luck! It wont be too terribly hard to do!

Malaysian cure for fire ant bite? It's clear oil with chinese(i think) written on the little bottle.Can u name

We went camping in a park in Texas, US. Fire ants bit my son all over. There was also a Malaysian family camping. They gave us this Malaysian/Chinese medicine oil in a little bottle. It had clear oil in it. I think it had a strong smell too. We applied it to the bite site. It stopped the swelling, itching. He didn't even get those tiny postules that you get after ant bites. The family told us we could buy it at any Malaysian store. Now I can't find any store. I was wondering if you could provide me the name for the medicine. Any help would be appreciated. The bottle kinda reminded of of the printing on the tiger balm except the bottle was alot narrower than the tiger balm bottle

How to get granddaughter's father to pay part of her College tuition?

Her father is divorced recently from the mother and he promised in writing that he would pay the tuition for either a city or state college (NY) They reside in NYC. He earns over !25,000 per year and never helps his children with clothing or anything else. We the grandparents have been helping although we do not have a lot of money. He pretends he doesn't notice that his children need clothing or anything. The mother suffers from manic-depressive illness for years...She is unemployable even though she wishes she could get a job. Both parents are in their mid forties. Grandchild was admitted to UVM a state college in Vermont, and according to the divorce decree he is supposed to pay up to the amount he would have had to pay had daughter gone to a city or state college in NYS . He seems to have forgotten or pretends to have forgotten that he promised this in the divorce decree. She is starting college in the end of this August and he refuses now to pay for anything. How can we get him to help with this very soon because daughter will not be able to register for cles. He told her the other day that she should take out loans and that she would be very PROUD of herself because of this. He is a very greedy man and doesn't pay for anything if he can get away with it. Wonder how we can get this resolved in a hurry..He only told her that he wasn't paying just the other day. My granddaughter as well as her two brothersre always afraid to ask for anything from him. He has never encouraged them to go to college and the two boys so far have not even attempted to go. He is intimidating and yells and carries on, so they avoid him. Granddaughter is an excellent student and doesn't get mixed up with any kind of trouble. She has applied for student aid and has received some, but she was so sure that she was going to receive at least some financial help from the father. Help...Thanks.

Legs still in cast how can I talk to girls?

17 male don't know how I can flirt with my legs in these stupid white cast help please?:( I play guitar and snowboard

Im in love with him & Im afraid hes going to get HIV if he keeps being so promiscuous. Ive never worn a condom?

He could die? What about you? In 2008 if you don't know the dangers of unprotected you haven't been paying attention. This is not a love story. It's about lust and irresponsible behavior. You are both out of control.

Finding the rate at which D is changing with respect to theta when theta=45 degrees?

A searchlight is trained on the side of a tall building. As the light rotates, the spot is illuminates moves up the and down the side of the building. That is, the distance D between ground level and the illuminated spot on the side of the building is a function of the angle theta formed by the light beam and the horizontal. If the searchlight is located 50 m from the building, find the rate at which D is changed with respect to theta when theta=45 degrees. Express your answer in units of meters/degrees.

Meaningful song lyrics?

i have to take a song into my creative writing cl and discuss the lyrics of it. i dont really care what genre, i just need a song that has lyrics that maybe have a hidden meaning. something where the lyrics aren't just straightforward....thanks!

A True Paradox Question.?

First of the the 'space time continuum' is a bit to treky. Second, the example is a contradiction. It begs the question, because for the ball to be there in the first place it would have had to already (as in past tense) been placed there, which you conclude in the example. The conclusion presupposes it's truth, all your scientist has done in not doing the time transfer is changing the premise that puts the ball there in the first place, in which case he didn't have anything to decide.

Whats a good free music downloading site for itunes?

a good site is it is basically a rapisdshare search engine and it works really well. and they also have stuff besides albums. they also have pc applications and movies.

What Are Historic and Controversial Moments of all Time?

Tell me, how the hell was "Shawn Micahels betrays Marty Jennety" and "Chris Jericho wins the WWF Title in 2000" historical or controversial moments?

My alligator gare fish is struggling, it's upside down.?

Could be a cut, internal bleeding, or internal parasites. I suggest you check your water, see if the nitrites and ammonia are too high. If they are, do a 25-50% water change, and then wait. Only time will tell at this point, and make sure he's not in a tank with other fish that can nip at him while he's injured.

What are some good romance anime that don't have any fighting or blood, and no old style drawings?

i have already watched ai yori aoshi, kanokon, to love ru, onegai sensei, onegai twins, nogizaka haruka no himitsu, air gear, bokura ga ita, hayate the combat butle season 1 and 2, zero no tsukaima all 3 seasons, clannad and clannad after story, seto no hanayome, rosario vampire both seasons, karin, kamichama karin, h2o footprints in the sand, nagasarete airantou, girls bravo both seasons, goshuushou sama ninomiya kun, dears, chobits, i my me strawberry eggs, ichigo 100%, ah my goddess all seasons and movie, air, aishiteruze baby, amaenaide yo, angel sanctuary, dokuro chan, boys be, chicoto sister, cardcaptor sakura, da capo all seasons, final approach, fruits basket, full moon sagishite, fushigi yuugi, futakoi both seasons, inuyasha, gift, green green, hana yori dango, hand maid may, hanakuyo maid tai, happiness, happy lesson, he is my master, I's both seasons, inukami, itazura na kiss, kanon 2006, kare kano, girl meets girl, kimi ga nozomu ien, kimi kiss pure rouge, kodomo no jikan, la cordo, lamune, love get chu, love hina, maburaho, lovely complex, mahoromatic, mahoraba, mahou sensei negima, mai hime, mamoru kun ni megami no shukufuku wo, maria sama ga miteru, memories off, midori no hibi, nanatsuiro drops, myself yourself, nana,

Why do some people think that this guy doesn't have the right to sue?

I just saw a clip from the Faux News show "Kelly's Court", in which the host and a couple of panelists discussed a recent lawsuit in which a former Wall Street trader is suing his former employer for firing him for being a vegetarian. Apparently, when the guy's boss found out that he was a vegetarian, he began to constantly har him about it and he even took to calling him a ""! (By the way, the vegetarian guy is straight and married!) It's obvious that the boss created a hostile work environment in this situation, so why is it that the host and the panelists of this show made light of the situation and mocked the vegetarian guy? After all, I'm sure they wouldn't exactly take kindly to being mocked for their dietary choices or being falsely accused of being gay!

Should i marry my pregnant girlfriend at 19?

if you really love her then you should do whats right if that's marring her then that what you need to do...and if you don't remember that child is yours and it always be so do whats right

We Rule (Ipod/Iphone App)...I can't get past the 'invite friends' objective.?

I would love it if somebody could give me their name to add them, since none of my friends play it. Mucho thanks to all answerers. :)

What kind of UGGs should I get?

i really like the salmon-colored cardy uggs (idk what the color is actually called, but it's a pretty, pinkish salmon). there's also these gorgeous teal uggs you could get.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wasn't I totally right by saying this to my little brother?

im sorry to hear about ur mom. but i dont think that it was wrong of u to promise ur little brother that. it shows u care for him and he feels like he can depend on his older brother when he's having a tough time.

Uma Thurman and Inter milan =D?

Whats common between them: They are both perfect but you really cant tell why =P. Btw i snipped that off Jeremy Clarkson while he was reviewing the BMW Z4

How to overclock my dual core?

I have a g31m-p21 motherboard, I read that its actually quiet easy to overclock with. I am only changing the fsb at the moment because i only went from 1.8ghz to 2ghz. But it still freezes. Even if i add more voltage it freezes. What am i doing wrong? I had it at 2.5ghz steady on my old mobo. And the temps are very low, in the 20's idle and barely to 40's full load.

How do I fix this? Microsoft word - printer?

You can also try in MS Word Click --> file, page setup, select the defaults then save. Then try to print. Also click  file, print, before you print a window should pop up; look at the print properties… You can also go to you printers and faxes folder (in control panel) right click on the selected printer, a menu will pop up, scroll to the bottom where it says Properties, select that and go over the settings.. The issue is typically in MS Word and not the printer; you can try Format, Select Format, and then select Autoformat, then select General doent. And one other easy fix is select View, and then Rulers, the numbers at the top of the doent and the side, p the mouse over where the arrows are and slid it toward the middle of the doent...

Should I feel offended by my English teacher?

(I made this as short as possible) So, my English teacher has been my teacher since grade 5, but I've known her since I was grade 2. Grade 8 should have been the last year when she was my teacher, but when I moved to another school in grade 9 she moved to the same school (total coincidence, changing schools was a last minute decision which I never told anyone about so she didn't do it on purpose). Anyway, she'd always considered that I am one of her best students, and she still does. Last year, she made a few of my friends and I sign up for a poetry competition. So I was in the 11-14 years old category. My best friend and I won first place at the 11-14 years old category. Another girl from our cl won second place in the 11-14 category. Another girl from our cl won second place, but in the 15-19 category. Our teacher was very proud of us. Lately, she has been testing quite every student in our cl (making them do exercises, asking us words, synonyms and stuff) except for me. I must add that if a student didn't know the answer, we'd raise our hands and wait for her to name someone so say the answer. I knew quite all the answers the others didn't know, I was always the first to put my hand up, but she told me to put my hand down. To make things worse, yesterday I had people coming from grades 8 and 9 asking me if I was in the poetry competition (a different one). I felt so embarred when I had to tell them I had never heard of it(which was true). In competitions in my country, they don't want to know what grade you are in, they want to know your age, and my teacher knows that I have the age of a grade 8 or grade 9 student (I am currently grade 10 and 14 years old, younger than the rest of my clmates, long story). I thought maybe she just wants to give my clmates a chance to improve, but they're really good at English too! And why would she make my best friend answer her questions, although she considers both of us the best in English class? And what about the poetry competition? What should I do? I feel offended and neglected!

What’s the difference between “Love” and “Infatuation”?

What’s the difference between being in love with someone and being infatuated with someone? Can a person be in love with someone and infatuated with the same person? By the way, I’m not a kid. I’m a guy and I’m 25. Thanks!

Which is the precipitate?

the precipitate would be the solid that remains after a reaction, in this case, I believe it is PbCrO4, since potium nitrate is a liquid (in most cases).

Bangkok Airport. I land at 07:00 and take off again at 16:00 on the same day. Where can I sleep?

You can try the Novotel just a stone's throw from the airport and a convenient shuttle service too. A day rate is about 4000 baht.

Is a legit website ?

im trying to buy this rockstar sushi biker white jeans and i dont know if is a legit website.

*****????AM I PREGNANT????****** plz ppl i need advice?

Am i pregnant? I posted a few wks ago about my period gettin shorter and now im more than a wk late.? My last period started on April 26 and ended on May 1 and my period still hasnt come on...I thought me and my bf were being very careful and use protection(always). I started working a 6wks ago in at waterpark..does the intense heat and change in my daily rutine or sleeping patern have anything to do with it? and my have been tender for the past wk and a half....and having abdominal pains


Looking to add a better back dont really think willie is going to have any kind of year.was thinking of picking up Jerome Harrison form cleveland to use as a good flex and fill in for byes.. need help before someone grabs him thanks all....

Why might low liquidity in a stock market..?

Why might low liquidity in a stock market induce prospective investors to regard the stocks traded in that market as risky propositions?

What happened here, does anyone know?

the result was 6/0 for Kuwait ... when towards the end , a Kuwaiti player kicked Lebanon's caption without a ball ... to which the Lebanese players responded in a bad way (bcz of the result) ... then the Kuwaitis starting using slurs and swears against the Lebanese players which got angrier .. the fight went on until a solider decided to fire his gun in the air to pull them apart ... in the end the Kuwaiti ambador who was watching got into a word-fight with the Lebanese coach and left the pitch ...

Trouble with & ex girlfreind.?

Me and my knew boyfreind have only been together a short while but are very happy. the only thing bothering us is his ex girlfreind. she went out with him causuall dating for around 6 months but for around 2 and a hlaf of these months he has been trying to break up with her by trying i meen he break's up with her but she continuously still refers to him as her boyfreind and continuously texts him how they should be together and she cant live without him which he replys to her tryign to explain why they cnat be together and he dosent wnat a relationship etc... me and him were good freinds while he was strugerling with this problem and would look to me for advice during this time we realised our feelings for eachother and started a relationship. to make things more complicated his ex is in the same calss as him at college everyday mon-fri, and she used to be a freind of mine when we were young at the age of around 5 this makes it seem complicated as she dosent know about the relationship but suspects it and calls me crying saying hes the love of her life and as me and her are freinds i should not try and be with him which makes me feel guilty. how do i know if he is using me to get to her which i only slightly suspect as we havent told her off the relationship and he says he has not felt like this before. and how should i aproach lettign her know about us being together. she also has a very bad anger problem meaning she cna be very violent and i am worried she may try to start a big fight with me. plese help?!

How can i make sure usmc recriuter is me the truth ?

i am in USMC dep and when under open contract because i was told i could get my job in dep. Well my recruiter told me i have motor t and i never picked it and don't want it. I told him i want to switch he said it is fine. But he keeps telling me not to worry about it and hell get me somthing eles. How can i make sure he changed it before i go to meps to ship ?

How should I wire 2 4ohm subs to this amp?

Wire subs for in series for total resistance of 8 ohms, bridge the amp for a final load of 4 ohms. This way it will be easier to tune the subs for output as you will only have 1 gain adjustment. You can also just wire them in parallel for a total of 2 ohms resistance, but you will have two gain adjustments and it will be harder to sync the output of the two subs.

I have a huge round zit? please help?

i usually don't break out but occasionally i will get a couple zits the week before my period. it happens to be that week and i have a HUGE zit on my forehead RIGHT in between my eyebrows. i cant pop it because it doesn't have a white tip. its like a giant bubble. and it hurts when i touch it. i have tried everything( proactive refining mask, clean and clear zit zapper, tooth paste, etc.) i've been trying to get rid of it for 3 days and i will be having pictures taken tomorrow and i NEED something fast and effective. please help. thank you so much!

Hapkido/other martial arts?

Does anyone know if there are styles of Hapkido that don't emphasize sparring with headgear? Also, would it be a good combination to study say, Aikido and fitness kickboxing?

Is He Changing For Me?

So my ex used to be very un appreciative, mean, and selfish. He is veying "Dominant" over me. But lately, he went from being an a** to being patient, concerned, nice, etc. Like we were talking and i told him how girls were telling me to get facial percings and he said "no, that will mess up your face. They are just jelous cause of how beautiful you are" he hasnt said i was beautiful in a looooong time. And when i asked if i should just go back to the way i was with him, he said "no. Not because i dont want you to because i miss you like crazy, but you just started talking to me again and i dont wanna mess this up" *i had stopped talking to him for just a few days* did he change for me? Or is he being a kiss up?

I m in luv wid older lady (5 years older then me). what to do?

I was woriking in pvt firm. along with other emplyees, one lady (older then me, but much beautyful) was also working there. I worked there for 1 year n during all these time, I did not thing anything about her (I swear) and we always talked with respect with each others. She is married and having two children. She is pure hearted lady. I am also married and very happy with my wife. One day I got my transfer order and she invited me for dinner, i went, ate well, talked well (no any hint from any side), when I was about to go from her house, she wished me for my future and I also advised her about her work. We cought each other's hand and she kissed on my head (like mother). Suddenly we hugged each other for few moments. But when I tried to approach further, she cried and requested not to go further as she is much respecting me. I stopped and she came with me upto doors. She demanded promissed from me not to do this with anyother person as I am married person. (she is very matured in such aspects). I promissed her. She also demanded promissed from me to keep my wife happy by all means. I promissed. Next day I got her call, we talked for long time. She begged pardoned for yesterday's episode. I told her tht it was true feelings towards each other, she was under confusion. Next day again we talked on mob. and she confessed tht she loves me. After few day's talk, we reached to the exted that we decided to got married (in private without knowing anyone). we married each other in front of god. She requested me to treat our relation as a "divine love" (no ). I was happy with it. She also talks with my wife on phone very nicely. Now after few days I will leave for new city and will not b able to live without her. I feel fear tht after my departure any other person will come in her life. She is much much beautyful ( I am nothing before her),she is financially sound (I am not much). She is having huge social life (but feels lonely). But she always clears tht I am the only person to whom she loves. (she does not tell lie at any time). HOW TO MAINTAIN THESE RELATION? I NEED HER VERY MUCH. PLS HELP.....

Advice...i have been played?

Sorry to hear you've been played. But, you must have suspected it for a while now, otherwise you wouldn't have done the things you did to check it out. I don't know why people lie about their real identity, but I've seen it a lot of times. You can either play him now, or just break it off abruptly. When I say play him, I mean you could get some satisfaction if you conjer up a plan to make him look like a fool. A little imagination goes a long way. But definitely, I recommend that you end it with him. After all, he's a compulsive liar and do you really need that in your life? Good luck Jen. Talk to you later.

Is she just a tease or what? plz help! easy 10 points?

ok so this girl i know has dropped heavy hints that she likes me for example telling me she wants a bf like 5 times, one time we were walkin at work and she told me she has a crush on sumone and i said who and she said hes near by and then i guess she got shy and mention someone else and she says am ber bff and stuff like that and she told my brother that i was her bf. so about 2 weeks ago we were txtin and i tell her "lets make something happen then me and you since you keep ssaying am your bf" and she reply "haha dumb you get hurt when you know am jus playing with you" so wazzup wit that? last nite we were also txtin and i tell her so you just see as a bff and not as someone you'll go out with and she never reply back! so should i just let it go and forget about her or is she just playing a lil game?