Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do palestinians want peace or the desctruction of Israel?

Do you think the palestinians really want peace or the destruction of Israel? The palestinians say they are decedents of the philistines, but historically, the philistines only lived in gaza and up a few miles along the shoreline. The "west bank" as it is called today is Judea and Samaria. During the roman empire, Judea and Samaria was called the Iudea (Judea) province, Jesus was even born in Nazareth, a village in Judea. But after a Jewish revolt (the Bar Kochba revolt), the romans renamed the province "syria-palaestina" to insult the Jews and disconnect them from their ancient homeland because the ancient enemies of the Jews were the yrians and philistines. After the roman empire fell "syria-palaestina" was just called palestine. Over 2000 years since it was renamed "palestine" I can see why the palestinians think it's their land, but historically the Jews have been there since the beginning. Do you think the palestinians just want peace or just the destruction of Israel?

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