Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Asking the guy I like to Sadie's?

Okay so it takes alot for me to like someone and typically I crush on someone and then figure out I don't really even like them that much, but man this guy I know ... i don't even know how to describe him. I just started at the school this year, so in my english cl there is this guy that I now currently like. He's kind of a know it all but he's really nice and funny. So at first I reallly didn't like him he irritated the crap out of me, but now I can't stop thinking about him we've hung out a couple of times and we always talk during cl and this week he invited me to Cirque du Soleil it was so amazing! We talked about it before and i told him I like him ( I'm kind of shy so I didn't know any other way to make it obvious) and he pretty much said he did too but that he hates the idea of dating because he doesn't want to lose me as a friend ( which I get) but I also don't want to wait around forever ( even though I prolly would) and there is this dance coming up it's a girls ask guys thing and I'm wondering if I should ask him? What should I do besides that?

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