Monday, August 8, 2011

Color of Change using threats to sway Superdelegates?

A predominantly left-wing, African American lobby group called "Color of Change" is basically using thinly veiled threats to try to sway Superdelegates, telling them "vote Obama, or else". Given the traditional aversion of many whites to "black anger", "gangstas" and "ers", the LA riots of 1992 and the 1960s race riots, black panthers, and yes, even the recent imagery of Rev. Wright, are Superdelegates caught in a trap of fear, either for their political seats, or even their lives? And is this what we want come next January? Aren't Superdelegates playing with fire? Aren't they opening a Pandora's Box in trying to cater to a traditionally problematic- yet minority- subgroup whose greatest claim to fame is violence, misogyny, and laziness?

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