Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why do I feel uncomfortable with sun in my room?

My father died when I was in the 6th grade and ever since my freshmen year at highschool (i am now a freshmen in college) but anyways ever since then I ALWAYS keep heavy curtains and extra quilts on the window. I absolutly cant stand it when a peep of sunlight comes in to my room. I need to believe that i'm not trying to use my fathers death as an excuse to feel this way but its like i try to take thecurtains down but i just feel uncomfortable and sick, it feels like a goal im trying to achieve when I take the curtains down but I really cant stand sunlight.. i also love it when it rains.. and likeif if and when im cleaning my room.. i only open the window if its dark out or shade.. why have i been stuck like this for so long?

Music video with a guy at prom puking?

there is a music video that i have been trying to find the song that it is. i think it is korn but im not positive. it takes place in like a stomach or something and its with this guy that goes to prom and starts puking everywhere

I've been skating for 2 months,(should i know these things by now)?

I can ollie, bs+fs 180, nollie, fake, kickflip,heelflip,varial heelflip,varial kickflip,shuvit, pop shuvit, boardslide and noseslide

What's wrong with me?

Ok I been skating for a while, but I can never get good at tricks. I skate regular, I lead with my left and push with my right. But when I try to do an ollie or something i have to go into goofy position. Is that normal?

Obsessed and depressed?

It seems like I have been playing to one song after a today to try to get Steven out of my mind but nothing will work. I’m driving my self insane "what if he's cutting?" "What if he's thinking abut breaking up?" "What if what if what if what if what if!!!" I do this all the time....I hate it. IV worried my self sick. I have cryed every bit of eyeliner off today! In eyelinerless! IV watching 2 horror movies, but they had scene, and that didn’t help....and YES I THINK ABOUT HAVEING WITH STEVEN! I REALLY DO!!! IT SCARES ME SHITLESS!! So I gaped the push pin and scd, and scd, and scd till I saw a little blood then I squeezed it and licked the blood. I’m all jumpy, and scarred, and **** my room is my own insane aslime!! It was raining! Guess what??? Only thing I could think about is KISSSING STEVEN IN THE RAIN! He's taking over my mind....this is worse then obsessing...........IV been obsessed be fore, but nothing like this! Please help me!!!!

Didn't this cause black gangs and riots?

Motown music I believe not only dilluted Rhythm and Blues but the song "Dancing in the street" by Martha and the Vandellas cause riots cause blacks interpretated it as "Demonstating in the street" and before the Watts riot most black would just leave stuff alone.In the late 1960's black gangs formed in New york which LED to Hip hop in the first hip hop cause DJ Kool Herc came and saw gang activity!

Is Evolution Responsible for Girls not farting?

That can't happen. Everybody farts, it's not a gene, it's a natural occurrence in your body. Farting is completely normal, if you don't fart, there's something wrong with you.